SiliconCatalyst.UK’s ChipStart UK Training Page
During the nine month semiconductor startup incubation programme our ChipStart UK companies follow three semiconductor industry specific training courses per month. These learnings are then workshopped to the specific needs of each startup. Our objective is to develop the next generation of semiconductor leaders in the UK. Having graduated from the ChipStart UK programme these executives will have all the skills, knowledge and capabilities to build globally successful semiconductor companies.
Please find recordings of our training sessions and copies of the slides presented for each subject matter that we have covered so far.
This material is not publicly available. It is only made available to ChipStart UK cohort members and the Silicon Catalyst.UK advisor network. They are not available for download.
If you feel you are entitled to have access to this material, please e-mail your SiliconCatalyst.UK contact requesting access to be granted. You will need to provide an e-mail address that is associated with a Google account.