Integrated photonics uses the same scalable process used to make semiconductor electronics chips to make circuits for light. It’s being used as the platform for energy-efficient communications, wearable healthcare sensors, rapid diagnostic tools, optical tensor processors, on-chip lidar, quantum computing and communication, and a host of other transformative technologies.
Wave Photonics is using computational techniques to create tools and IP to enable and accelerate the development, mass production and adoption of these technologies. We believe that many obstacles integrated photonics technologies face can be removed using a combination of simulation, statistical modelling and optimisation techniques, so we’re creating and testing a new way to approach photonics design.
We’re located in Cambridge, UK, and are backed by great investors in Silicon Valley including Plug and Play Ventures, as well as Cambridge Enterprise and a range of US and European angel investors. We’re also leading multiple projects funded by Innovate UK, the UK's innovation agency, to apply our approach to advancing quantum technologies.
If you want to find out more, or if you’re as excited as we are about the world-changing technologies that will be enabled by integrated photonics and want to play a part in it, then please get in touch via our website.